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Fundamental Analysis is one of the important terms in the field of investment. Fundamental analysis helps the investor to pick stocks for investment and trader to find the fundamentally strong stock to trade. IFM Trading Academy is one of the finest and most experienced institutes for providing the stock market course which includes the fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis will help you to pick those stocks which are strong enough in the stock market, and your chances of picking the wrong stock will decrease.
Fundamental Analysis is one of the important terms in the field of investment. Fundamental analysis helps the investor to pick stocks for investment and trader to find the fundamentally strong stock to trade. Fundamental Analysis includes the interpretation of financial statements like balance sheet, income statement or cash flow statement.
The balance sheet contains the Equity share capital plus liabilities is equal to total assets and income statement contains the income and expenses of the company and the cash flow statement contains the usage of the company's cash.
IFM Trading Academy is one of the finest and most experienced institutes for providing the stock market course which includes the fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis will help you to pick those stocks which are strong enough in the stock market, and your chances of picking the wrong stock will decrease. Contact IFM TRADING ACADEMY for more information.