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What is Fundamental Analysis?
Fundamental analysis is the method of evaluating the intrinsic value of an asset and analyzing the factors that could influence the price of respective stocks in future. Fundamental analysis is based on financial statements, external factors and industry trends.
IFM Trading Academy provides you best fundamental analysis training for best stock selection for your portfolio.
Fundamental analysis is one of the two major methods of market analysis, with the other
being technical analysis. While technical traders need to read charts for trading, fundamental
traders look at the factors outside the price that can influence the movement of stock in
future. Fundamental analysis helps traders and investors to gather the right information to
make rational decisions about what position to take.
Rather than establishing entry and exit points, fundamental analysis seeks to understand the
value of an asset, so that traders can take a much longer-term view of the market. Fundamental
analysis is the important part of market analysis and it can provide you the important factors
that can influence the price of stocks in future. Want to be a pro of trading? Obviously, you
want so contacts us for more details of our services. We will provide you the best services
which we have.
Thank you so much for visiting our site, keep learning keep earning!
- Rajan Sharma
Trader, Equity Advisor