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What is multileg order in trading system in Option Trading? | IFM Trading Academy | Option trading in Chandigarh, share market trading in Chandigarh, Stock options trading, Equity derivatives trading in Chandigarh, Stock market training courses in Chandigarh, - GL104294

Friends as you know we need to execute our trades very quickly the volatile markets, otherwise slippage can reduce our profits and increase over losses. Specially in derivatives like in options we execute multiple trade strategies. In a multi-leg strategy, we execute three or four trades at different-different multiple strikes simultaneously in a very short time.

Like in butterfly retreats at three strikes but if we produce delay in execution, we can get the slippage. And that slippage can reduce our profits and increase our losses because slippages like a piranha fish. So, one should be very fast in execution. But as we know we are not fast like a Algo’s or super computers. So, the possibility of error is always present. Then how we can reduce the slippage in the Multiplex strategy in option trading, the answer is using a multi lag execution system. With the help of multi like execution system we can trade at multiple strikes in a single click without any delay and latency. If the person is doing trading in derivatives and not using the multi deck trading system surely, he is missing a very big opportunity. Here at IFM Trading Academy in Chandigarh we teach you how to trade in derivatives and how you can use multi electric system so that you can reap the maximum benefit from your trading strategy. Learning option trading without learning the proper trading system is a half knowledge. Learn different kind of strategies which we can use at different types of markets a different kind of volatility. Learn option trading from the very basic level to advance level, learn delta hedging strategies, learn theta hedging strategies but execute all the strikes simultaneously with our guidance here. IFM Trading Academy is the best institute in Chandigarh for stock market related courses.

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